商品の説明 紫雲作の刺繍絵画です。 こちらの作品は全て刺繍で作成した一品物です。 手作業にて作成されています。 美術品として、非常に良い作品だと感じます。 状態は良いと思われます。 詳しくは写真をご確認下さいませ。作の刺繍絵画です。絵柄が華やかな仕上がりとなっており、飾ると一際華やかかな印象となります。 和室にも洋室にもお使い頂けるかとおもいます。 フレームサイズ 幅75.5センチ高さ64センチ 素人保管の為、神経質な方はご遠慮下さい。 Thank you very much for viewing from among many m(__)m This is an embroidery painting by Shiun. This piece is all made with embroidery. It is created by hand. I feel that it is a very good work of art. I think you can feel the amount of time and effort put into creating it. It seems to be in good condition. Please check the photo for details. The pattern has a gorgeous finish that resembles a scene from The Tale of Genji, and when displayed, it will give a particularly gorgeous impression. I think it can be used in both Japanese and Western rooms. frame size Width 75.5cm height 64 cm It becomes. Please refrain from purchasing if you are nervous as this is being kept by an amateur. If you have any questions or price consultations, please leave a comment m(__)m 商品の情報 カテゴリーホビー・楽器・アート > 美術品・アンティーク・コレクション > 絵画 > その他商品の状態やや傷や汚れあり発送元の地域京都府
Thank you very much for viewing from among many m(__)m This is an embroidery painting by Shiun. This piece is all made with embroidery. It is created by hand. I feel that it is a very good work of art. I think you can feel the amount of time and effort put into creating it. It seems to be in good condition. Please check the photo for details. The pattern has a gorgeous finish that resembles a scene from The Tale of Genji, and when displayed, it will give a particularly gorgeous impression. I think it can be used in both Japanese and Western rooms. frame size Width 75.5cm height 64 cm It becomes. Please refrain from purchasing if you are nervous as this is being kept by an amateur. If you have any questions or price consultations, please leave a comment m(__)m
カテゴリーホビー・楽器・アート > 美術品・アンティーク・コレクション > 絵画 > その他商品の状態やや傷や汚れあり発送元の地域京都府