商品の説明 The second movie (Silent Hill: Revelation) is the regular release. The first movie never had a real steelbook release, just a lpak, so I made this custom version for my collection many years ago. I used an old E.T. steelbook case and removed all the paint. Had stickers professionally printed, an inside slip also professionally printed, and then disassembled and reassembled the steelbook myself. I think it looks pretty good! Anyway, it's not an official release. 2作目(『サイレントヒル:リベレーション』)は通常版。1作目はスチールブックが発売されず、メタルパックだけだった。古いE.T.スチールブックのケースを使い、塗装をすべて剥がした。ステッカーはプロに印刷してもらい、中のスリップもプロに印刷してもらった。見た目はかなりいいと思う!とにかく、これは公式リリースではない。 商品の情報 カテゴリーCD・DVD・ブルーレイ > ブルーレイ > 洋画・外国映画商品の状態やや傷や汚れあり発送元の地域大阪府
The second movie (Silent Hill: Revelation) is the regular release. The first movie never had a real steelbook release, just a lpak, so I made this custom version for my collection many years ago. I used an old E.T. steelbook case and removed all the paint. Had stickers professionally printed, an inside slip also professionally printed, and then disassembled and reassembled the steelbook myself. I think it looks pretty good! Anyway, it's not an official release.
カテゴリーCD・DVD・ブルーレイ > ブルーレイ > 洋画・外国映画商品の状態やや傷や汚れあり発送元の地域大阪府